The NHS athletic booster club will be hosting the varsity winter sports awards banquet on Monday 3/27 beginning at 6:30pm in the NHS auditorium. The awards program will begin at 7pm. Parents are encouraged to attend the awards portion of the program.
Author: Jon Longley
Spring sports begin on Monday 3/20/23. We will be hosting a spring sports informational meeting for any students interested in participating on a spring sports team on Tuesday 3/7 starting at 3:20pm in the auditorium. Spring sports registration is available through the Aspen Parent Portal. Registration is due on or before Friday 3/10/23. If you need assistance with your Aspen account please contact All students will need an updated physical in order to participate. Please email updated physicals to:
We will be accepting user fee payments through UniPay for the 22-23 school year. Please access the following link to make an online payment. If you would like to pay by check, please mail a check in the amount of $200 made out to The Town of Norwood and mail to Norwood High School, 245 Nichols St Norwood, MA 02062 Att: Athletics. If you would like to request a fee waiver please email director of athletics Jonathan Longley at
Winter Sports Try-Out Schedule & Coaches Directory
Girls Basketball: All levels, Monday 11/28-11/30 4pm NHS Gym. Head Coach: Kristen McDonnell
Boys Basketball: Grade 9, 11/28-11/30 3:30pm Savage Center Gym. Grades 10,11,12 11/28-11/30 6pm NHS Gym. Head Coach: Chris Fraioli
Cheerleading: Mon 12/5 5:45pm NHS Gym, Weds 12/7 5:45pm NHS Gym, Sat 12/10 9am NHS Gym. Head Coach: Jill Buckman
Gymnastics: Mon 11/28 7pm Broderick’s Walpole, Weds 11/30 7pm Broderick’s Walpole, Thurs 12/1 6pm Broderick’s Walpole, Sun 12/4 9am Broderick’s Walpole. Head Coach: Karen Broderick
Girls Ice Hockey: All levels, Monday 11/28 5pm, 11/29 5:30pm, 11/30 6pm Skating Club of Boston. Head Coach: Tim Coskren
Boys Ice Hockey: All levels, Monday 11/28 3:30pm, 11/29 3:30pm, 11/30 4pm Skating Club of Boston. Head Coach: Chuck Allen
Bs & Gs Swim/Dive: All levels, Monday 11/28-11/30 5:30pm Blue Hills. Gs Head Coach: Jen Rodger Bs Head Coach: Kate Curtin
Bs & Gs Indoor Track & Field: All levels, Monday 11/28-11/30 3:30pm NHS Gym. Gs Head Coach: Alanna Keady Bs Head Coach: Jeff Loja
Wrestling: All levels, Monday 11/28-11/30 3:30pm NHS Gym. Head Coach: Bill McDermott
Winter Sports Information
We will be hosting a winter sports information meeting at 3pm in the auditorium at NHS on Monday 11/7/22. Individual team meetings will take place following the meeting.
Winter sports registration is available through the Aspen Parent Portal. Registration is due on or before Tuesday 11/14/22. If you need assistance with your Aspen account please contact All students will need an updated physical in order to participate. Please email updated physicals to: Winter sports begin on Monday 11/28/22.
We will be accepting user fee payments through UniPay for the 22-23 school year. Please access the following link to make an online payment. If you would like to pay by check, please mail a check in the amount of $200 made out to The Town of Norwood and mail to Norwood High School, 245 Nichols St Norwood, MA 02062 Att: Athletics. If you would like to request a reduced fee or a fee waiver please contact Director of Athletics Jonathan Longley directly at