Winter Sports Head Coaches 17-18

Boy’s Basketball:  JJ Oliver

Girl’s Basketball:  Amy Lepley

Cheerleading:  Amy Murphy

Gymnastics:  Karen Broderick

Boy’s Ice Hockey:  Chuck Allen

Girl’s Ice Hockey:  Tim Coskren

Boy’s Indoor Track & Field:  Matt Curran

Girl’s Indoor Track & Field:  Tara Noyes

Wrestling:  Bill McDermott

Winter Sports Practice Schedule

Girls Ice Hockey 11/27: 5:30am Rodman Arena

Boys Ice Hockey 11/27: 4pm Bajko Arena

Boys & Girls Indoor Track & Field 11/27: 2:45-4:30pm NHS

Wrestling 11/27: 3:30-5:30pm NHS

Gymnastics 11/27: 7:15-7:30pm (parent meeting) 7:30-9pm practice Brodericks Walpole

Girls Basketball 11/27: 4pm NHS

Boys V/JV Basketball 11/27: 6pm NHS

Boys Freshman Basketball 11/27: 3pm Savage Center

Cheerleading 12/4 & 12/5 6:30-8:30pm NHS

Mustang Update

On Tuesday 11/7/17 we will host winter sports sign/ups and information meetings for any student that is interested in participating in a winter sport.  We will have a general session at 2:45pm in the auditorium followed by sport specific meetings at 3:15pm.

Winter sports registration is due on or before Monday 11/13/17.  Please sign up using the winter sports registration tab in the left hand column.  Please turn in hard copies of the following registration forms:

  1.  Permission Form (two sided):  Including concussion course sign off (2017 athletic handbook is available in the left hand column).
  2. User Fee:  The user fee is $200 per season (family cap is $800 for the school year).  Please include a check with the students name and sport on the memo line.  Please make checks out to:  The Town of Norwood (checks will be deposited upon receipt).
  3. Updated Physical:  All physicals must be updated with the athletic department every 13 months.  Physicals must be updated throughout each season of participation.  If the physical on file with the athletic department is not up to date the student athlete will not be able to participate in practice or game competition.
  4. Pre Participation Head Injury Form:
  5. Please mail forms to:  Norwood High School, 245 Nichols Street, Norwood MA, 02062 Att:  Athletics

Fall varsity awards night will be held on Tuesday 11/21/17 .  The evening will begin at 6pm in the dining hall at NHS where pizza and drinks will be available for student athletes and coaches.  The awards ceremony will begin at 6:30pm in the auditorium.  Parents of varsity athletes are encouraged to attend the awards ceremony at 6:30pm.


Fall Sports Practice Schedule

Football Equipment Issue:  Thursday 8/10.  Seniors: 8:30am,  Juniors: 9am, Sophomores:  9:30am, Freshman:  10am, at NHS.

V/JV Football Practice:  Friday 8/18 & Saturday 8/19 8am at NHS.  Head Coach:  Jim Tighe

Freshman Football Practice:  Monday 8/21 – Friday 8/25 2pm Coakley Middle School.  Any questions contact Jim Tighe

Cheerleading:  Parent meeting on Monday 8/14 5pm at the NHS library to meet varsity coach Amy Murphy.

Cheerleading Practice/Try-out all levels:  Monday 8/21 & Tuesday 8/22 9am at NHS.  Head Coach:  Amy Murphy

Boy’s Cross Country Practice all levels:  Thursday 8/24 & Friday 8/25 8am at NHS.  Head Coach:  Matt Curran

Girl’s Cross Country Practice all levels:  Thursday 8/24 & Friday 8/25 8am at NHS.  Head Coach:  Aimee Worcester

Field Hockey Practice/Try-out all levels:  Thursday 8/24 & Friday 8/25 9am & 2pm at NHS.  Head Coach:  Allison Doliner

Golf Practice/Try-out:  Monday 8/28 11am & Tuesday 8/29 9am at NCC.  Head Coach:  Chuck Allen

Boy’s Soccer Practice/Try-out all levels:  Thursday 8/24 & Friday 8/25 8am Father Mac’s.  Head Coach:  Ryan German

Girl’s Soccer Practice/Try-out all levels:  Thursday 8/24 8am & 3pm at Father Mac’s.  Friday 8/25 3pm at Father Mac’s.  Head Coach:  Rebecca Newman

Swim/Dive Practice all levels:  Monday 9/28 through Friday 9/1 9am-11am at Westwood HS.  Head Coach:  Jen Rodger

Girl’s Volleyball Practice/Try-out all levels:  Thursday 8/24 & Friday 8/25 11am & 1pm.  Head Coach:  Paul Nimblett

*Only the first few days of practice/try-outs are listed above.  Please contact the head coach for additional practice/try-out dates and times.